Holding On and Letting Go

It has been no secret that I haven’t lived here for very long, In fact in the seven other schools I’ve been to, the same new girl trope has followed me. Now, obviously I stand out more here due to my accent but in the UK having someone new is incredibly unusual. As I gather, most peoples lives have roughly the same friendship group following them from kindergarten (or elementary) until their senior year. But for me, my friends and relationships have always been more of a strong, fleeting connection.

When I came here, I knew it was different, My middle school friends were going to be the ones that I would most likely, graduate with, which was, is, incredibly strange to me. However, despite the relatively strong group of friends I have here, the restless side of me still longs for something new. And, despite how much I hate change, I still find myself yearning for it.

Maybe, it could be my extreme fear of rejection which leaves me instead, pushing people away. Or, perhaps it could be me looking for new experiences? (Then again, I did move countries, so ballpark). It just seems to be impossible to me to stay in one place as there is something always nudging me to leave before I get left behind.

Maybe, this time, it will be different.